Embedding Sustainability into Our Corporate DNA
Sustainability is an integral part of the CEC business, supported by leadership commitment, strong values and ethics that are deeply embedded in the corporate culture. CEC’s sustainability excellence is based on three principles: ecological integrity, economic efficiency, and a sustainable integrated society.
Economic Efficiency
Contribute to a resilient economy that fosters prosperity while preserving resources and safeguarding the environment. This entails balancing business growth and environmental stewardship, including transitioning to low-carbon energy sources like solar and wind, decarbonising processes, and remaining energy secure during challenging climatic impacts.
Ecological Integrity
Adoption of a pattern of operation that supports the ecosystem`s regenerative capacities, to ensure restraining unsustainable biodiversity loss through carbon sequestration, reptile relocation and restoration of degraded environments.
Sustainable Integrated Society
We focus on promoting our business relations in the supply chain by meeting the needs of our customers. We also spread our equity and inclusiveness to the well-being of our employees and communities.
Advancing a Green Economy for Sustainable Growth
The business is advancing a green economy through renewable energy investments and aligning its strategic initiatives with sustainability principles. CEC’s mission is to innovate and deliver reliable, sustainable energy solutions that drive Zambia’s and Africa’s economic development while fostering environmental stewardship and promoting social equity.
affordable and clean energy
Expanding Access to Affordable Clean Energy
CEC is expanding renewable energy generation to ensure access to affordable and sustainable clean energy for its customers.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Fostering Inclusive Workplaces and Sustainable Economic Growth
CEC promotes safe, inclusive, and equitable work environments, contributing to sustainable economic growth through job creation and skills development initiatives.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Building Resilient Infrastructure for Sustainable Industry
CEC invests in resilient infrastructure and innovative energy solutions to support sustainable industrial development.
Climate Action
Leading the Charge on Climate Action
CEC commits to reducing its carbon footprint through decarbonisation, renewable energy investments, and environmental restoration efforts.
Life on Land
Restoring Ecosystems and Protecting Biodiversity
CEC actively engages in reforestation and biodiversity conservation efforts to restore ecosystems and protect local flora and fauna.
Partnerships for the Goals
Collaborating for Sustainable Energy Solutions
CEC works with governments, communities, and international organizations to achieve shared goals, share knowledge, and support sustainable development in the energy sector.