Siyanga Malumo

Non-Executive Director

Siyanga is a Non-Executive Director of the Board and serves as a Member of the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), Remuneration and Employee Development Committee.

He is an Investment Banker with vast experience in international banking and finance, with first-hand project finance experience and notable capabilities in structuring and packaging projects and resource mobilisation for infrastructure projects in Africa.

In a finance career that began with the African Development Bank and later included merchant banking in London, management of 16 commercial banks in 16 countries from Anglophone and Francophone and Spanish speaking countries, as well as Central and West Africa and now investment banks, he has worked on transactions in 123 countries, 51 in Africa.

Siyanga has been on 25 boards in 21 countries, with most of them as Chairperson. He currently chairs several boards for investment banking firms and several power sector company boards in Africa, among them Africana Finance and Investments, the Luchenene-Mutinondo 100 MW hydropower company Zambia, and Mulembo-Leyla 100 MW hydropower company Zambia.

Siyanga Malumo




MBA Finance, Marketing (McGill University); Bachelor of Business, Economics, Law (University of Zambia); Diploma in French (University of Madagascar)